Udostępniam kernele w wersji v33.2 Premium, a zatem i7, i7-pro, brazos i brazos-pro oparte o Linux-3.18.2. Te wersje podobnie jak wcześniejsze, także mają wdrożony "zegar" HZ=500. W tych kernelach wyłączyłem na ten moment wsparcie dla systemu plików AuFS. Poprzednia wersja [3.18.1] kerneli Premium została jeszcze lepiej dopasowane do architektur na jakie są przeznaczone poprzez zmiany w konfiguracji poszczególnych linii. Obecnie w wyniku kolejnych zmian w procesie ich kompilacji, wydajność wszystkich kerneli z linii premium wzrasta w stosunku do wersji v33.1 o minimum o ok. 5-8 %, a w pewnych sytuacjach znacznie bardziej. O innych zmianach w źródłach możemy się dowiedzieć studiując ten link - git.kernel.org. Kernele zbudowałem w oparciu o gcc (eXt73-build_v2.5) 4.9.3 20150114 (prerelease).
Uwaga - w przypadku [innych niż dostarczane z NeteXt'73] sterowników Nvidii będą występowały problemy - Nvidia nie dostosowała sterowników do nowych kerneli Linux-3.18.x. Obecnie już podmieniłem sterowniki 346.22 oraz 340.56. W kolejnych dniach udostępnię poprawioną wersje 343.36.
Ponadto proszę pamiętać u usuwaniu starych wersji kerneli [przez narzedzie w NeteXt'73 - Deinstalator > Usuń kernel > wersja kernela] - pozostawiamy co najwyżej 3 wersje, a minim zawsze 2.
I released a new version of my kernels v33.2 Premium Kernels - i7, i7-pro, brazos i brazos-pro, based on Linux 3.18.2. In these versions as in the previous, I also have implemented the "clock" HZ=500. In these kernels at these moment, I turned off the file system support for aufs. The previous version [3.18.1] of Premium kernels was even better suited to architectures for which it were designed by the changes in the configuration of each line. Today, as a result of changes in the process of compilation, the performance of all kernels of premium line is increased about minimum of approx. 5-8%, compared to version v33.1 and in some cases much more. The other changes in the sources we learn by studying this link - git.kernel.org. Kernels built based on gcc (eXt73-build_v1.5) 4.9.3 20141231 (prerelease).
Attention - in the case of the Nvidia [other than those supplied with a NeteXt'73] drivers you will have a troubles - Nvidia drivers do not adapt to the new Linux kernels 3.18.x. I swapped a corrected versions of drivers 346.22 and 340.56. In the following days I will share, a corrected versions of 343.36.
In addition, please keep in mind about deleting the old version of the kernels [the tool in NeteXt'73 - Uninstaller > Delete kernel > kernel version] - leave at most 3 versions, and always at least 2.
I released a new version of my kernels v33.2 Premium Kernels - i7, i7-pro, brazos i brazos-pro, based on Linux 3.18.2. In these versions as in the previous, I also have implemented the "clock" HZ=500. In these kernels at these moment, I turned off the file system support for aufs. The previous version [3.18.1] of Premium kernels was even better suited to architectures for which it were designed by the changes in the configuration of each line. Today, as a result of changes in the process of compilation, the performance of all kernels of premium line is increased about minimum of approx. 5-8%, compared to version v33.1 and in some cases much more. The other changes in the sources we learn by studying this link - git.kernel.org. Kernels built based on gcc (eXt73-build_v1.5) 4.9.3 20141231 (prerelease).
Attention - in the case of the Nvidia [other than those supplied with a NeteXt'73] drivers you will have a troubles - Nvidia drivers do not adapt to the new Linux kernels 3.18.x. I swapped a corrected versions of drivers 346.22 and 340.56. In the following days I will share, a corrected versions of 343.36.
In addition, please keep in mind about deleting the old version of the kernels [the tool in NeteXt'73 - Uninstaller > Delete kernel > kernel version] - leave at most 3 versions, and always at least 2.