Dłuższa przerwa między wydaniami kerneli wynikała z pracy jaką poświeciłem ostatnim kernelom z linii v49.x, tj. v49.13. Najdalej jutro je udostępnię. Kolejna linia v50.x oparta o Linux-4.10.x najprawdopodobniej po przyszłym weekendzie. Co do kerneli v49.13 ... to myślę, ze w szczególności kernele z linii Premium będą najwydajniejszymi i najbardziej responsywnymi z dotychczas przeze mnie zbudowanych. Tu zmiany dotyczą nie tylko samego configu, ale przede wszystkim procesu kompilacji. Poniżej przykłady ich działania:
The longer interval between kernels release, resulted from the work I have spent on work on the last of the kernel line v49.x - v49.13. I think I can made available these kernels tomorrow. Another line v50.x based on Linux-4.10.x I will build probably after next weekend. As for the v49.13 kernels ... I think that in particular the kernels from the line Premium will be most effective and most responsivness of those which I built. I introduced changes not only in the config, but above all the build process. The following examples of their actions:
The longer interval between kernels release, resulted from the work I have spent on work on the last of the kernel line v49.x - v49.13. I think I can made available these kernels tomorrow. Another line v50.x based on Linux-4.10.x I will build probably after next weekend. As for the v49.13 kernels ... I think that in particular the kernels from the line Premium will be most effective and most responsivness of those which I built. I introduced changes not only in the config, but above all the build process. The following examples of their actions:
