Jakąś chwilę temu udostępniłem kernele w wersji v54.16 Premium & Standard oparte na źródłach Linux-4.14.16, a przedwczoraj v55.2 Premium, oparte na źródłach Linux-4.15.2. O zmianach w źródłach kernela można się dowiedzieć studiując linki - git.kernel.org oraz git.kernel.org. Do budowy kerneli użyłem Gcc (eXt73-build v9.1) 7.2.1 20180122.
A while ago I released a new version of my v54.16 Premium & Standard kernels based on sources Linux-4.14.16 and the day before yesterday v55.2 Premium, based on Linux-4.15.2 sources. You can find out about changes in kernel sources by studying the links - git.kernel.org and git.kernel.org. For build the kernels, I have used Gcc (eXt73-build v9.1) 7.2.1 20180122.
A while ago I released a new version of my v54.16 Premium & Standard kernels based on sources Linux-4.14.16 and the day before yesterday v55.2 Premium, based on Linux-4.15.2 sources. You can find out about changes in kernel sources by studying the links - git.kernel.org and git.kernel.org. For build the kernels, I have used Gcc (eXt73-build v9.1) 7.2.1 20180122.
Kernel v54.16 posiadają aktywne patche na Meltdown oraz Spectre v2/Kernel v54.16 have active patches for Meltdown and Specter v2:
Natomiast v55.2 juz posiada aktywne patche na Meltdown oraz Spectre v1 i v2/Whereas v55.2 already has active patches on Meltdown and Specter v1 and v2:
Obie linie kernele pomimo wdrożenia zabezpieczeń chroniących przez Meltdown oraz Spectre v2 oraz v1 [v55.2], charakteryzują sie bardzo wysoką wydajnością - minimalne straty [1 - 3 %] w oracjach wyniku I/O można odnotować jedynie na procesorach Haswell i starszych. Kernel Premium v55.2 charakteryzują się odczuwalnie wyższą responsywnością oraz w pewnych sytuacjach np. gry wydajnością od poprzednich linii.
Both kernel lines, despite the implementation of Meltdown and Specter v2 and v1 [v55.2] protection, are characterized by very high performance - minimal losses [1 - 3%] in I / O results can be noted only on Haswell processors and older. Kernel Premium v55.2 is characterized by a noticeably higher responsiveness and in certain situations, e.g. games, performance from previous lines.
Both kernel lines, despite the implementation of Meltdown and Specter v2 and v1 [v55.2] protection, are characterized by very high performance - minimal losses [1 - 3%] in I / O results can be noted only on Haswell processors and older. Kernel Premium v55.2 is characterized by a noticeably higher responsiveness and in certain situations, e.g. games, performance from previous lines.
Ponadto udostępniłem nowe buildy optymalizowanych przeze mnie sterowników Nvidii oraz pogłębiłem optymalizacje mojego buildu Bumblebee [Nvidia Optimus]:
In addition, I made new builds of optimized Nvidia drivers and deepened the optimization of my Bumblebee build [Nvidia Optimus]:
In addition, I made new builds of optimized Nvidia drivers and deepened the optimization of my Bumblebee build [Nvidia Optimus]:
Poniżej przykłady działania kerneli v54.16 Premium - tu konkretnie 4.14.16-ext73-54.11-piledriver, na wskazanej w filmach maszynie [AMD FX 8320 + Nvidia 1060] - gra ARMA III. Być może dziś pokażę tę grę działająca szybciej ok 25 % na kernelu v55.2-piledriver:
The following are examples of the v54.11 Premium kernels - specifically the 4.14.11-ext73-54.11-piledriver, for the [AMD FX 8320 + Nvidia 1060] machine indicated in the video - game - ARMA III. Maybe today I will show this game that works faster about 25% on the v55.2-piledriver kernel:
a tak działa pod v53.16 - jak widać potrafi być o ok 25 % wolniej:
and this works under v53.16 - as you can see it can be about 25% slower:
The following are examples of the v54.11 Premium kernels - specifically the 4.14.11-ext73-54.11-piledriver, for the [AMD FX 8320 + Nvidia 1060] machine indicated in the video - game - ARMA III. Maybe today I will show this game that works faster about 25% on the v55.2-piledriver kernel:
Tak jest pod v55.3 - ARMA III [Vritual Programing kontener] oraz DOOM [2016] - ten pod Wine-staging v2.21:
This is under v55.3 - ARMA III [Virtual Programming container] and DOOM [2016] - this one under Wine-staging v2.21:
This is under v55.3 - ARMA III [Virtual Programming container] and DOOM [2016] - this one under Wine-staging v2.21:
a tak działa pod v53.16 - jak widać potrafi być o ok 25 % wolniej:
and this works under v53.16 - as you can see it can be about 25% slower: