Chciałbym niniejszym wytłumaczyć ostatni brak aktualizacji. Otóż kernele z linii Linux-5.4.x posiadają poważną słabość, sumarycznie w mojej opinii wykluczającą je z codziennego użytku w przypadku komputerów korzystający z układu graficznego Intela. Problem dotyczy architektur od Skylake w górę i objawia się losowymi zawieszaniami 'twardymi' [konieczne odłączenie zasilania]. Błąd ten objawia się w logach w następujący sposób:
I would like to hereby explain the last missing update. Well, the kernels of the Linux-5.4.x line have a serious weakness, in total in my opinion excluding it from everyday use in the case of computers using the Intel graphics system. The problem is with architecture from Skylake up and manifests itself with random 'hard hangs' [power disconnection required]. This error manifests itself in the logs as follows:
I would like to hereby explain the last missing update. Well, the kernels of the Linux-5.4.x line have a serious weakness, in total in my opinion excluding it from everyday use in the case of computers using the Intel graphics system. The problem is with architecture from Skylake up and manifests itself with random 'hard hangs' [power disconnection required]. This error manifests itself in the logs as follows:
kernel: GPU crash dump saved to /sys/class/drm/card0/error
kernel: i915 0000:00:02.0: Resetting rcs0 for hang on rcs0
kernel: i915 0000:00:02.0: Resetting rcs0 for hang on rcs0
kernel: i915 0000:00:02.0: Resetting rcs0 for hang on rcs0
kernel: i915 0000:00:02.0: Resetting rcs0 for no progress on rcs0
kernel: i915 0000:00:02.0: Resetting rcs0 for no progress on rcs0
kernel: i915 0000:00:02.0: Resetting rcs0 for no progress on rcs0
kernel: i915 0000:00:02.0: Resetting rcs0 for no progress on rcs0
W związku z faktem, iż Developrzy Intela mają problem z ustabilizowaniem kodu kernela z linii 5.4.x, postanowiłem odstąpić od wydawania kerneli z lini v74.xx i od razu przejść na linię v75.xx, a zatem w oparciu o źródła Linux-5.5.x. Obecnie testuje kernele zbudowane w oparciu o źródła Linux-5.5-rc7. Kernele te działają bardzo stabilnie i dziki wprowadzonym zmianom bardzo wydajnie i responsywnie oraz oszczędnie. Wprowadziłem tu patche Proton FSYNC [futex-wait-multiple], co pozwala na większa wydajność w grach pod Windows, vide:
Due to the fact that Intel Developers have a problem with stabilizing the kernel code of the 5.4.x line, I decided to stop the kernel from the v74.xx line and immediately switch to the v75.xx line, based on Linux-5.5.x sources. Currently testing kernels based on Linux-5.5-rc7 sources. These kernels work very stably and thanks to the introduced changes very efficiently, responsively and economically. I introduced here among others Proton FSYNC [futex-wait-multiple] patches, which allows for greater performance in games under Windows, see:
Due to the fact that Intel Developers have a problem with stabilizing the kernel code of the 5.4.x line, I decided to stop the kernel from the v74.xx line and immediately switch to the v75.xx line, based on Linux-5.5.x sources. Currently testing kernels based on Linux-5.5-rc7 sources. These kernels work very stably and thanks to the introduced changes very efficiently, responsively and economically. I introduced here among others Proton FSYNC [futex-wait-multiple] patches, which allows for greater performance in games under Windows, see:
Ponad powyższe kernele zawierają szereg moich patchy + kilka stosowanych przez Clear Linux. Postaram się wydać kernele do najbliższego czwartku.
Above the above kernels contain a number of my patches + some used by Clear Linux. I will try to release kernels until next Thursday.
Above the above kernels contain a number of my patches + some used by Clear Linux. I will try to release kernels until next Thursday.
Dodatkowo wydam nowe sterowniki Nvidii 440.44, które dostosowałem do nowej linii kerneli v75.xx oraz poddałem optymalizacji. Być może do najbliższego weekendu uda mi się także udostępnić nowy mechanizm zarządzania Nvidia Optimus - zoptymalizowany mechanizm Nvidia PRIME + łatwy mechanizm zaradzania układami GPU Intela i Nvidii:
In addition, I will release new Nvidia 440.44 drivers that have been adapted to the new kernel v75.xx line and optimized. Maybe I will also be able to release a new Nvidia Optimus management mechanism - this is the optimized Nvidia PRIME mechanism + an easy mechanism for dealing with Intel and Nvidia GPUs:
In addition, I will release new Nvidia 440.44 drivers that have been adapted to the new kernel v75.xx line and optimized. Maybe I will also be able to release a new Nvidia Optimus management mechanism - this is the optimized Nvidia PRIME mechanism + an easy mechanism for dealing with Intel and Nvidia GPUs: